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The 7 best ways to keep kids entertained on flights!

Plus no using phone or tablet for movies, games or cartoons On your next flight using these tricks can help you turn your next flight into genuine quality time between you and your little ones. Travel child

  1. Surprise your kids with a new toy.
  2. Try a magnetic game.
  3. Read a book.
  4. Make friends with the cabin crew.
  5. Play card games.
  6. Pack plenty of food and snacks.
  7. And finally THE BEST ONE is have a conversation with your kids Discuss with your kids where you are traveling, what you will see and do and, on the way home, what everyone enjoyed most about the trip. If you aren’t sure where to start, a good conversation starter can be a map or a small globe and that gives an opportunity to teach the kids about the cities, states or countries we are flying over. If you don’t have one on hand, the airline’s inflight magazine should have a route network map that will suffice.

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