429 E Ogden Ave Naperville IL 60564

Experience GELATO in ITALY!

Curious about the origin of gelato? Alexander the Great collected snow so that he could eat it with fruit and honey! This custom was later passed on to the ancient Greeks and the Romans.
Of course, gelato today is much more elaborate than it’s snow-with-fruit ancestor! Also, home-made gelato is a lot healthier and lower in calories with respect to factory made ice-cream. Gelato is made with fresh milk, eggs and fruit or nut paste or cocoa. Or in the case of one of our personal favorites gelato al caffè, it’s made with freshly brewed coffee!
When you travel to Italy you can’t miss out on trying the best Italian home-made gelatos, and don’t you worry, there are plenty of travel packages geared toward tasting your way through Italy!

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