429 E Ogden Ave Naperville IL 60564

Are you a beach or a mountain person?

Every time I am asked this question, it leaves me puzzled. I really like both & every year I like to travel to both places. Maybe it’s because travel is in my blood. But as I’m thinking about that I can see that a lot of my clients either like to go for beach vacations or mountain areas.

After digging around on the internet, I found an interesting study done by psychologists of the University of Virginia.

The study concludes, extroverts prefer beaches to mountains and introverts love the mountains more.

The theory behind the preference is that extroverts like flatter areas where they can spot new people easily and connect, while introverts are always looking for places to cozy up in and hide away. (Though I would argue hidden beaches are a great place to get away from it all.)

Would you prefer walking at beach and dipping your feet in the warmth of the golden sand or does the wind in your hair while standing tall on a cliff excite you more.

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